Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The dangers of commercial dog food

I have been looking into what the best foods are that I should feed my dog. I was shocked by some of the things I found out about commercial dog food.
  • Dogs that eat commercial dog food have a higher risk of dying prematurely.
  • Commercial dog food can cause pets to have diarrhea, flatulence, a dull coat, vomiting, or more frequent scratching.
  • It contains deadly chemicals that are banned from human foods.
  • It can cause cancer.
  • Lead has frequently been found in pet foods.
  • Millions of dead American dogs and cats are processed and frequently added to pet food.
  • Commercial dog food can contain the processed faeces of these dead animals.
  • Sodium Pentobarbital, which is used to put animals to sleep, has also found its way into commercial dog food.

I would recommend feeding your dog only what you yourself would eat. Perhaps scraps from the table or from the butcher. Another suggestion is to find recipes and prepare homemade meals for you dog.

For more information on the dangers of commercial dog food Click Here!

To learn about the 68 deadliest dog food ingredients Click Here!

Foods that are dangerous for dogs

Although the following foods are safe for us to eat, they can be very dangerous if they are given to your dog.
  • Chocolate (affects the heart and nervous system)

  • Mushrooms (can produce abdominal pain, liver and kidney damage and anemia)

  • Garlic (can cause vomiting, liver damage, anemia and diarrhea)

  • Onions (can cause liver damage, anemia and diarrhea)

  • Coffee (causes heart rate increase, diarrhea, seizures, coma, death)

  • Macadamia nuts (causes muscle weakness and pain)

  • Raisins and grapes (can damage the kidneys)

  • Alcohol (causes intoxication, coma, and death)

  • Milk and dairy products (the lactose can cause diarrhea)

  • Baby food (it can contain onion powder)